Friday, 5 November 2010

I have just finished making this cushion cover, it took me about an hour. I am trying to make most of my christmas presents this year and this is for my little sister. To make a cushion cover like this you need: * A piece of material double the width of the cusion with a bit extra to over lap like a pillow case and enough to hem. * Material scissors. * Pins. * Cushion. * Sewing machine. To make it you turn in each end and stitch and then repeat to form a secure hem. Then if your material frays like mine was sew a stay stitch along the long edegs. Turn the fabric so it is the wrong side down, put the cushion in the middle and wrap it over so the back over-laps (look at a pillow case to be sure.) Then pin and stitch along one edge, pop the cushion back in and do the same along the other side. make sure to take the cushion out before you sew. turn it inside out and there you have it. I hope you have as much fun making it as I did and I will be adding to this to show what I have added  to the cushion to make I more exciting.  

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